Berkshire’s 2023 annual shareholder meeting —Preliminaries (Transcript)

Full morning session

10 min readOct 5, 2023


Warren Buffett

Good morning. Good morning! Thanks for coming. I love it. Charlie loves it. We are glad to have you here. We are going to make this preliminary before the question very short because we want to get in at least 60 questions, half divided by the audience outside this arena and half from you. So, I would just like to get right to the directors and the earnings that have been put up on our web page this morning. We will cover those very fast, and we will get to the questions.

When I woke up this morning, I realized that we had a competitive broadcast going out somewhere in the UK, and they were celebrating King Charles, and we have our own King Charles here today. Next to him, we have Greg Abel, who is in charge of all the operations except for insurance. Next to Greg, we have a man I ran into in 1986 who has made us look good ever since we had the man in charge of insurance, Ajit Jain.

Now, we have our directors here in front, and if they would stand briefly, then I’ll go on to the next one. They are all here today. I’ll do it alphabetically. There’s Howard Buffett. There’s Suzy Buffett. There’s Steve Burke, Kenneth Chenault, Chris Davis, Sue Decker, Charlotte Guyman, Tom Murphy Jr., Ron Olson, Wally Weiss, and Meryl Witmer. That’s as good as you can get. There’s one other person I would like to mention before we get on to the earnings that were put in the press…




A Finance Enthusiast. Obsessed with Personal Development. Writer in progress. On a beautiful journey of Self Love